If you have a smartphone, more than likely you use mobile apps, perhaps on a daily basis. Apps, short for “applications” or programs that run on a mobile device, can be fun, help you stay organized and offer easy access to the web. According to Flurry Analytics, mobile apps usage increased 115 percent in 2013. The messaging and social apps category showed an astounding increase of 203 percent. Meanwhile, news and magazine applications increased by only 31 percent.
The prediction for 2014 is that the use of mobile apps will increase even more. With more businesses converting their websites into a mobile application, and with the increase of smartphone purchases, the result will be a surge in usage.
The newly released film “Her,” featuring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson, depicts a world where everyone is dependent on their operating system or mobile apps. This film is the perfect example of the possibilities and the influential power mobile apps can have in 2014.
Will social mobile apps such as Facebook and Twitter still lead the way in 2014? Or will a new emerging app take over?