A lot of time, effort and hard work goes into developing a regularly scheduled firm e-newsletter, so it’s frustrating when only a small percentage of people actually open it. There are several actions you can take to increase your open rate. We’ve outlined some suggestions below:
- Timing. Based on studies as well as our own experience with newsletters, stay away from distributing on Mondays and Fridays. Also, do not send a few days before or after holidays. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the morning are typically the most successful. There is no “magic” date and time that works for everyone, but it’s important to consider this factor for your newsletter recipients.
- Subject line. Catch the reader’s attention with your attention-getting subject line. Try to stay away from the generic subject lines, such as “Joe Smith Law Firm Newsletter.” Think about what will appeal to your audience enough to make them want to read more, such as “Tips to Avoid Construction Defect Lawsuits,” or “How to Save an Unprofitable Business.”
- Content. Content is always king. It’s crucial to determine what will be of interest to the recipients. If you are sending your newsletter to construction attorneys, but the content is for homeowners, readers will wonder why you sent the newsletter to them in the first place. If your distribution list is a diverse group of people, consider creating different versions of your newsletter to appeal to each group.
- Resending to non-openers. Once you distribute your newsletter, you may want to resend to the people who didn’t open it the first time around. Maybe they were out of town, in a meeting or the timing wasn’t right. This typically results in a substantial amount of additional opens and is another way of getting your firm name in front of people. While we don’t encourage bombarding people with several resends, resending once to the non-openers can significantly increase your open rate.