The Art of Follow Up

In B2B marketing, every project depends on a number of factors. Whether internal to your own firm or contingent on outside people, an entire project can easily get backlogged if you don’t know how to effectively follow up. There’s a fine line between being too pushy and not getting your point across, but when tight deadlines are involved, diplomacy and tact can go a long way. Following up not only helps your day-to-day operations run smoothly, but it also increases your connection with current and potential clients.

When waiting on a response from a client, it’s important to know what type of follow-up works best for them, i.e., phone, email or in-person. By being mindful of their preferences and schedule, you are more likely to receive a timely response. When working to nudge client projects through to completion, it’s important to emphasize the importance of collaboration in order to quickly receive approval on items and get things done faster. This same rule of thumb applies to employees and colleagues. Keep in mind, encouraging progress on a project in a positive and appreciative manner is much more effective than a quick snap.


Strategic and consistent follow-up will not only make your clients and colleagues happy with your work, but projects will get done faster and more successfully.


-By Berbay Assistant Account Manager Summer Vernon

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