Berbay Marketing & PR Senior Account Manager, Beth Miller, recently spoke on a panel to a group of attorneys and legal services providers discussing, “A New Outlook for Legal Marketing 2012,” which covered innovative methods of marketing, including videos, blogs and teleseminars. Beth recaps the discussion:
As attendees began asking questions about implementing these tactics, the panelists reminded the audience that it’s easy to get caught up in the “newest” way to market, but that it’s critical to look at your marketing tactics in the context of the bigger picture – how each one fits into an overall marketing plan, otherwise, you may get the phone to ring, but not with the kinds of clients you want.
Implementing any marketing tactics presumes that you’ve already created foundational items such as a database of current clients, prospective clients and referral sources. Without identifying your target market, who will you be reminding to read the blog you’ve created, or watch the videos posted on your website?
As 2012 gets underway, it’s a great time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t in the past year. But before you jump on the latest marketing bandwagon, avoid shooting from the hip and consider how to integrate these new methods into a strategic plan that will generate more business.