Episode 6
Jason Ciment, a former attorney and CPA, launched an e-commerce website in 1996 to sell magazine subscriptions to businesses, schools and libraries. In 2003, Jason bought the e-commerce platform company that ran his magazine business and started licensing the shopping cart platform to businesses that wanted an online store.
In 2008, he put his years of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experience to work for others by launching GetVisible, a consulting firm to help e-commerce clients drive traffic to their websites. The company later expanded into other channels such as law firms, manufacturers and nonprofits. Jason oversees GetVisible and works to ensure consistent and high-quality work on every project. It is his goal to stay at the forefront of web design trends as well as internet marketing technology opportunities.
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- The importance of investing in public relations, SEO, and social media marketing and engagement for small and large firms to generate leads.
- The value of the 4 C’s in branding and web design: Competitor, Communication, Collaboration and Coding.
- How marketing can create messaging that attracts web traffic and why this is an ongoing process.
- Techniques that allow search engines, and ultimately clients, to view the web-based content you offer as informative and valuable.
- How to measure success through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, and how much of that traffic converts to calls, leads and sales.
Ways to contact Jason:
- Website: www.getvisible.com
- Twitter: @jasonciment
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jasonciment
- Book: “I Need More Clients: Digital Marketing Strategies That Grow Your Business”
- Resource: www.provisors.com