2009 – Issue 04: Site Unseen

In this issue: 2009-04 September 2009
Berbay Marketing & PR provides the Marketing Spotlight E-Newsletter as an update on trends in professional services marketing. We hope you find this information useful; however, if you’d like to be removed from the distribution, please click on the SafeUnsubscribe link at the bottom of the e-mail.


By: Sharon Berman
Published: The Daily Journal
At a time when Web 2.0 and social media marketing are on everyone’s lips, a surprisingly large group of professionals are still far behind the times with the web’s first incarnation. They haven’t touched their website in years – or worse, they don’t have one at all. An outdated website is easily spotted because the most recent piece of “news” was posted in 2008 or much earlier. Quite often, the reasoning is that the website really won’t make a difference in the firm’s business development, or that the important thing is that the firm has a website – they did it once and that’s it. And, let’s not even talk about search engine optimization (SEO) because there are many firms who are convinced that the type of client the firm is seeking will not be searching for the service online, so search engine rankings really don’t matter. The truth is that in today’s world, prospective clients search online for firms in all disciplines and specialties. Assuming your firm has a site, are you one of the many professionals who acknowledge that it is “embarrassing” or “awful,” and that you “have to do something about it”? Does “doing something about it” somehow never seem to reach the top of your priority list? Most professionals are concerned about generating leads and capturing business, but there are still firms that don’t seem to think that the website has any impact. Simple logic would dictate that if competitors invest time, effort and money in keeping their website design and content fresh and up-to-date, they are deriving value from those efforts.The fact is, having an outdated website (or none at all) is simply no longer acceptable for professional service providers. A current site that showcases the firm and its accomplishments is just too important a business development tool to be relegated to the bottom of the priority list. And before you discard search engine optimization, you may want to consider the qualified leads that are slipping through your fingers to someone else’s.

Continue reading Site Unseen to find out how to build your book of business.

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In This Issue
Site Unseen: Why revising your website should be an absolute priorityBerbay Addresses Cal Society of CPAsBTI Premium ForcastTwo-Track Marketing

About Berbay Marketing & PR

Marketing News
Account Managers Megan Braverman and Maggie Lukaszewicz will present “Social Networking: Good Practices and Ethical Issues” to the California Society of CPAs’ Industry Section, on November 18, 2009.

According to the recently released BTI Premium Practices Forecast 2009 Survey of Corporate Legal Spending, small and midsize firms increased their presence on corporate “short lists” from 24.5% to 38.2% in 2008.

Two-Track Marketing: This is the time of year when firms are marketing on two tracks: keeping their marketing strong for this year on one track, while building a strong foundation for 2010 on the other. We’re here to help.
About Berbay Marketing & PR Berbay Marketing & PR is a marketing and public relations firm specializing in working with professional service providers including law firms, real estate, finance, accounting and other professional services businesses. We’re marketing and public relations specialists who take marketing “hows?” and turn them into “wow!” results.Please visit www.berbay.com to read more about marketing your professional services. If you’d like more information about any of our marketing and public relations services, please call
(310) 405-7345 or email berman@berbay.com.
Berbay Corp | Los Angeles | CA | 90025 | www.berbay.com

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